Virtual presentation

Guidelines and recommendations for recording the presentation defense video

1. Video recording

The video must be made choosing between the following recording techniques:

  • Personal presentation in front of the camera without visual support
  • Mixed presentation combining exposure in front of the camera with slides on the screen

It is not essential, although it is recommended that all signatories of a presentation participate in the video defense of it.

Videos that only contain written text will not be accepted: “human presence” whether in video or audio is necessary.

Please record the video in horizontal format.

It is essential that the sound is adequate, so it is necessary to choose a space with low reverberation and little or no ambient sound.

The duration of the video must not be less than 5 minutes or exceed 15.

2. Upload the video to a YouTube account*

Once the video has been recorded with the technical means you consider (Meet, Zoom, Teams, etc.), it must be uploaded to your own YouTube account, activating the option public visibility (if you do not do so, the video will not be embedded in the platform, although it can be accessed through the link shown).

Since all the contents of the congress website will remain accessible online for one year after its conclusion, we recommend, to guarantee the dissemination of the video content of your communication, that it remains online on your YouTube account throughout this time (at least three months). If you consider it appropriate, you can leave the video of your research active indefinitely, over time the search engines will index it and it will become quality content accessible and available to anyone.

If, for copyright reasons, your video is censored on YouTube (it is important not to use copyrighted songs or long video sequences), you can upload it to another type of platform, although in these cases the video will not be embedded in the page.

* If you don’t have a YouTube account, you can create one very easily. We remember that Gmail accounts have a YouTube account associated by default.

How to create a YouTube account

3. Upload the video to the conference website

The “managing signatory” (the signatory who was in charge of sending the abstract and linking the rest of the signatories) will be the person in charge of adding the link of the video to the congress website (never will add the video file, but its link).

The managing signatory must:

  1. access your communication form.
  2. add the YouTube video link to the form
  3. press the publish button to update the communication sheet

4. Check

Access the symposium in which you are participating via the web, locate your presentation and enter it. You will see its summary and then, if you carried out the process correctly, you will see a window with the video of your communication. If the video is not hosted on YouTube, you will only see the link to it.


Egregius Ediciones


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