Participation as speaker

Please pay attention and carefully read the instructions to participate as a speaker.

If you wish to access the symposiums, plenary activities or subsequent publications, it is NOT necessary to register for the congress, all this content will be accessible openly and free of charge through the congress website. Registration is only intended for those people who participate as signatories in any of the papers defended during the event.

Works that develop any of the proposed topics are welcome, either from an empirical methodology or from a theoretical or practical approach.

Form of participation

Participation in the thematic symposia of this congress is done virtually and on a delayed basis. You will have to record a video defense of your proposal and ask questions and answers during the days of the congress using a written forum that is installed in each of the published papers (you can find more information on this website).

Therefore, live communications cannot be presented.

To participate as a signatory of a presentation it is necessary to register. This registration does not imply any prior payment.

You will receive a welcome email (check your SPAM folder if it hasn’t arrived within a few minutes). From there you can enter the platform (using your credentials) using the access button in the top bar of the website or in the link:

Then you will have to create a “New presentation” (button accessible from your work desktop) and fill in the information requested, including the signatories of the proposal (where you must also be included). We recommend that you review the available topical symposia in advance, as you will need to select one during the process. Upon completion, submit the proposal for review by the organization. You can leave your proposal in draft format to finalize it and send it at another time if you consider it.

You can participate as a signatory in a maximum of 3 presentations and each one may have a maximum of 4 signatories.

Format for submitting proposals

  • Text written in Spanish or English (one language only).
  • Length of 400 to 500 words maximum.
  • Include: Introduction, objectives, methodology, discussion, results, conclusions.
  • You can omit or replace any of these sections if the investigation requires it.
  • Do not include bibliography, acknowledgments, sponsors or personal information of any signatory in the body of the text.
  • The signatories will be selected from a list of registrants.
  • Three to five keywords.

Once your proposal is accepted, it will be made public in the thematic symposium communications list and you will receive a notification email. From that moment on, you will be able to record the video of the defense of your presentation, for which we ask you to follow the guidelines described in the virtual presentation section.

Once a proposal is accepted by the organization, the text, logically, is locked.


  • A communication may have a maximum of 4 signatories.
  • All signatories must pay the registration fee for the congress.
  • In order to incorporate signatories to a new presentation/communication proposal, all of these must register on the platform in advance.
  • If you have already submitted your proposal, you will not be able to add or modify signatories until it is accepted. Nor will it be able to do so once the congress begins.

Requirements for participation in the congress

  • Appear as a signatory in at least one presentation.
  • Publish the video of the presentation on the conference website.
  • Ask at least 1 question in 2 different presentations in each symposium in which you participate (if, for example, you participate in 3 thematic symposiums, you will have to ask 2 questions in each of them).
  • Answer the questions asked about your presentation (only one of the signatories needs to respond on behalf of the rest)

Additionally, you may, if you wish, participate in other symposia with questions and comments. This participation will not be counted by the system, although it will be appreciated and very welcome.

Final texts

All proposals whose signatories meet the participation requirements mentioned above may participate as a book chapter in the subsequent publication. Participation in the chapter book is included in the registration price and is guaranteed, although the coordination and editing teams may request changes or improvements to the texts in order to preserve the scientific quality of the final work. The texts must adhere to the established rules and deadlines.

Participation in the chapter book is not mandatory, if you do not wish to participate, simply do not send the final text.

The final text is sent using this platform, following the editing rules and the instructions in the final text delivery section within the dates and deadlines established by the organization.

Registration prices *

  • Reduced price until February 26, March 8, 2024: €165*
  • Normal price from February 27, March 9 to 14, 2024: €190*

The fee includes participation in the congress and publication with the Dykinson or Egregius publishing house (at the author’s choice for each chapter), in addition, it includes everything detailed in the curricular results.

* Prices with VAT included, you can generate your invoice (“invoice” section of your profile) with the tax data you provide at the time of generating it.

** All signatories of a presentation must register for the congress and have paid the fee to be able to participate in the congresses and publications. The texts presented must comply with the editing standards.

*** Payment will be made on the congress platform itself (credit or debit card / Paypal / bank transfer).


Egregius Ediciones


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