S05-02 09

 Enhancing Semantic and Pragmatic Instruction in EFL Higher Education through the Flipped Classroom Approach


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Luz Castillo CuestaUniversidad Técnica Particular de Loja
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Paola Cabrera SolanoUniversidad Técnica Particular de Loja


In English as a Foreign Language (EFL) instruction, semantics and pragmatics play fundamental roles in facilitating effective communication and language proficiency development. Semantics enhances students’ comprehension and recognition of word definitions, connections between sentences, as well as discourse and contextual understanding (Alsayed, 2019). Pragmatics is also essential for EFL learners as it facilitates effective communication in different social and cultural contexts; as Shokouhi and Rezaei (2015) acknowledge, the lack of pragmatic knowledge might result in communication failures. In this context, the present study, aligned with the Flipped Classroom approach, aimed to investigate students’ perceptions of the strategies used in semantic and pragmatic instruction in EFL higher education in southern Ecuador. The Flipped Classroom stands as an innovative pedagogical method prioritizing learner-centered instruction (Gilboy et al., 2015) which fosters critical thinking skills, group or peer interaction, communication, teamwork, time management, and creativity (Ma, 2023; Ng, 2023). During the 16-week study, 25 university students, aged between 21 and 29 years, and with proficiency levels ranging from B1 to B2, were involved. They were enrolled in an onsite Semantics and Pragmatics course, with classes held twice weekly. A mixed-methods approach was utilized, starting with a diagnostic questionnaire aimed at evaluating students’ prior knowledge and experiences related to content and the use of different strategies in previous courses. Following the analysis of students’ responses to the diagnostic questionnaire, the implementation phase was initiated, incorporating activities such as video creation, graphic organizer design, participation in virtual forum discussions, and infographic development. At the end of the intervention, a perception questionnaire was used to know the students’ attitudes toward instructional activities, and interviews were conducted to further explore the participants’ insights into the effectiveness of the strategies implemented in the course.  The results revealed that the design of videos emerged as the most effective strategy for improving students’ understanding of semantics and pragmatics. Participants expressed favorable perceptions towards the video creation process, highlighting its impact on their learning experience. They reported that since they worked in groups to create the videos, they actively engaged with concepts, fostering a deeper understanding of the topics that were assigned to each group. Furthermore, when producing their videos, students were able to apply theoretical knowledge to real-life contexts and create examples that increased their understanding, thus enhancing their comprehension and retention of linguistic principles. The results also demonstrated that virtual forum discussions and infographic design contributed to students’ learning experiences. Virtual forum discussions facilitated active engagement and interaction, fostering a collaborative and respectful learning environment in which all opinions were valued. Infographics enhanced semantics and pragmatics learning by simplifying complex concepts into visually attractive formats. Finally, the design of graphic organizers was partially considered as an effective strategy for promoting critical thinking and organization skills.

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      María Daniela Cifone Ponte

      Comentó el 18/03/2024 a las 15:16:23

      Congratulations on your presentation, I very much enjoyed it. I find the pragmatic side of the language one of the most difficult part to teach. Do you believe that intercultural competence can be also taught implementing flipped classroom? Or maybe stereotypes or rejections are easier to be caused if students are not in guided environment?

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        Luz Castillo Cuesta

        Comentó el 19/03/2024 a las 00:33:57

        Dear María Daniela,
        Thank you for your encouraging comments! Certainly, teaching the pragmatic aspects of language presents undeniable challenges. I consider that intercultural competence, including awareness of cultural nuances in communication, can effectively be integrated into a Flipped Classroom approach. However, it is mandatory to utilize pre-class materials to introduce cultural concepts and provide guided activities and discussions during in-class sessions; thus, students have the opportunity to explore, reflect upon, and apply intercultural skills in a collaborative learning environment.
        Best regards,

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        Luz Castillo Cuesta

        Comentó el 20/03/2024 a las 16:30:57

        Dear María Daniela,
        I would like to add that when considering intercultural competence, the risk of stereotypes or rejections can indeed be heightened if students are not in a guided environment. Without proper guidance and support, students may struggle to navigate cultural differences effectively, potentially leading to misunderstandings, stereotypes, or even rejection of other cultures. Therefore, while a flipped classroom approach can offer valuable opportunities for learning, it's essential to ensure that students receive adequate guidance and support to foster constructive interactions and minimize the risk of negative outcomes.
        Best regards,
        Luz and Paola

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      Ekaterina Radionova Moseeva

      Comentó el 15/03/2024 a las 11:10:34

      Dear Luz and Paola!
      Thank you very much for your presentation! Was the Flipped Classroom Aproach the main method to teach pragmatics classes in your research or you still sometimes used the usual way of teaching (to explain the theory first)? Can you recommend the flipped Classroom aproach as the most effective way to study pragmatics in University and why? Thank you in advance

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        Luz Castillo Cuesta

        Comentó el 15/03/2024 a las 15:33:04

        Dear Ekaterina,
        Thank you for your comment! In our study, we predominantly utilized the Flipped Classroom Approach, while also recognizing the value of traditional explanations for introducing complex concepts in certain lessons. Based on our experience, we believe that while the Flipped Classroom Approach offers benefits for teaching semantics and pragmatics, it should not be the unique method. Combining it with traditional teaching methods may ensure a comprehensive understanding of complex topics. Furthermore, in-class discussions and explanations are essential for facilitating deeper comprehension. Balancing both approaches can optimize semantics and pragmatics teaching and learning in university settings.
        Best regards,
        Luz and Paola

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      Manuel Macías Borrego

      Comentó el 15/03/2024 a las 10:07:13

      Dear María Daniela,
      Thank you very much for a very enriching presentation about Flipped Classroom and EFL pre-service; I do have a question, as sometimes I see myself struggling with the effectiveness of the methodology in my classes: can you give any advice on how to introduce these activities in larger groups?
      Thank in advance and, once again, congratulations for the talk.

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        Luz Castillo Cuesta

        Comentó el 16/03/2024 a las 01:08:53

        Dear Manuel,
        Thank you for your kind words and for engaging with the topic of Flipped Classroom. Introducing Flipped Classroom activities in larger groups can indeed present challenges, but some strategies can help us enhance effectiveness. Firstly, we can consider breaking larger groups into smaller, more manageable units to facilitate better interaction and engagement. Additionally, we should provide clear instructions and resources for self-directed learning outside the classroom, ensuring all students have equitable access to materials. Incorporating collaborative activities during in-class sessions can also foster peer learning and discussion. Finally, we need to ask for feedback from students to adapt and refine our approach based on their needs and experiences.
        Best regards,
        Luz and Paola

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      Natalia Mora López

      Comentó el 14/03/2024 a las 19:48:36

      Dear Luz and Paola,
      Thank you for your presentation about the use of flipped classroom. You've indicated that the most useful activity was the creation of videos. What do you think about using social media platforms like TikTok to promote the creation and publication of this type of videos? Thanks.

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        Luz Castillo Cuesta

        Comentó el 14/03/2024 a las 22:27:46

        Dear Natalia,
        Thanks for your question! I think that TikTok might offer possibilities for fostering creativity and interaction. However, it is necessary to ensure that the use of this platform aligns with learning objectives and promotes responsible and respectful online behavior.
        Best regards,
        Luz and Paola

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