S05-22 08

Mediation in the EFL Classroom: Concept, characteristics, and pedagogical proposals for EFL Teachers


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María Daniela Cifone PonteUniversidad de La Rioja



Mediation in the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom plays a crucial role in facilitating language learning by bridging the gap between learners and the target language. Understanding the concept, characteristics, and effective strategies of mediation is essential for EFL teachers to create a conducive learning environment. This presentation aims to explore the concept of mediation, its characteristics, propose strategies for EFL teachers, and discuss its implications in the classroom.


1. To define the concept of mediation in the EFL context.

2. To identify the characteristics of effective mediation in language learning.

3. To propose practical strategies for EFL teachers to implement mediation in their classrooms.

4. To discuss the implications and benefits of mediation for language learning.


This presentation draws upon a comprehensive review of existing literature on mediation in language learning contexts, particularly focusing on the EFL setting. Various scholarly references were consulted to understand the concept, characteristics, and strategies of mediation. Additionally, personal experiences and observations as EFL educators were considered to provide practical insights and suggestions for teachers.


Effective mediation in the EFL classroom involves the teacher’s role as a facilitator who guides learners in understanding and constructing meaning in the target language. Our proposal integrates this and train the future and current teachers on how to approach mediation in the classroom through different activity proposals. The different activities proposed in this presentation are based on the current educational framework in Spain and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).


The implementation of mediation strategies in the EFL classroom empowers learners to take ownership of their learning and fosters a communicative and collaborative learning environment. By guiding learners through meaningful interactions and authentic experiences, mediation facilitates language acquisition and promotes language fluency and proficiency. Moreover, mediation enhances learners’ critical thinking skills and intercultural competence by exposing them to diverse perspectives and cultural nuances embedded in the language.


Mediation in the EFL classroom is not merely a pedagogical tool but a fundamental approach that transforms the learning experience for both teachers and learners. By understanding the concept, characteristics, and effective strategies of mediation, EFL teachers can create dynamic and engaging learning environments that promote language acquisition and intercultural communication. Embracing mediation as a guiding principle in EFL education can lead to more effective language learning outcomes and empower learners to become proficient and confident users of the English language.


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      Aitor Garcés-Manzanera

      Comentó el 15/03/2024 a las 20:09:44

      Hi Daniela,
      Congratulations on your presentation. You certainly touched on a timely topic as mediation is acquiring more relevance nowadays, especially since its inclusion in the CEFR Companion.

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      Aránzazu Lucía Cosido García

      Comentó el 15/03/2024 a las 11:18:23

      Hello Daniella,

      I agree with you in the need to foster teacher training in mediation. I found many teachers who did not know what mediation involves and what kind of activities and strategies their learners need to mediate

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        María Daniela Cifone Ponte

        Comentó el 15/03/2024 a las 11:23:26

        Thank you for your comment, Aránzazu. It is true, the reality is that most teachers do not know how to include mediation in their classes; there is need for more training.

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      Rosita Torres Ortiz

      Comentó el 14/03/2024 a las 21:26:19

      Hello María Daniela,
      Great and interesting presentation. What kind of training program about mediation, based on your research, do you suggest for future EFL teachers?
      Thank you,

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        María Daniela Cifone Ponte

        Comentó el 15/03/2024 a las 07:52:32

        Hello Rosita,
        Thank you so much for your comments and question. I do not know a specific program on mediation. However, the Council of Europe usually offers webnars to train on mediation. They also have copies of previous webnars you can check on their website.

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      Iratxe Serna Bermejo

      Comentó el 14/03/2024 a las 15:26:44

      Hello Daniela,
      Congratulations on your presentation, I found it very interesting. My question would be the following: Do you think that teachers are prepared to include mediation in their EFL classes? Do teachers usually receive training on mediation?
      Thank you,
      Iratxe Serna Bermejo.

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        María Daniela Cifone Ponte

        Comentó el 14/03/2024 a las 16:44:58

        Thanks for your comments and question. I do not think that teachers are prepared to include mediation in their classes. I believe this is something that it is changing little by little in their training at university but, I do think that it is necessary to offer training to teachers who are already working and need to keep updated with new trends in education.

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